You are Unwittingly Breaking your Relationship in These 7 ways
Save Your Relationship

We all want a good relationship. A person who loves us and we will live a happy life is a great event for all of us. But without realizing it, we can break our relationship. Yes, we do it not on purpose, we don’t do unwitting
Cases where we sabotage our affair
To think he knows what he wants
In long love affairs we begin to think that we know what your partner wants without asking him. When the other party doesn’t make a sound, we believe we’re on the right track. But most of the time, the other party shuts up because he loves you. So ask your partner your opinion. He may not be pleased with what you do for his own good.
Continuously Asserting Financial Difficulties.
Life is hard and costs are high. But don’t let that overshadow your happiness. As you talk about the money, the other side gets hurt. Be aware of this. Money problem can seem like a difficult situation to solve. But nothing replaces love .
Jokes (Nicknames) Can Break Sometimes.
You may not realize that you hurt her when you
Set Out Business Life
I’m tired or my work is very much all of these things that actually overshadow your relationship. Every time you say you have time and you will interest him later, you’re creating a gap in your relationship.joke with him. He might think there’s a real part under the joke. Say good words instead of joking. It’il make him very happy.
You’re always right.
If there is always a correct side in your love affair, and if it’s always you, you don’t realize that you’re destroying it. You can’t always be right. You can’t always be the right person in your affair. This is impossible. It’s just a game of ego. This is the best way to sabotage the affair.
No fear of losing.
If you’re not afraid you’ll lose him, you’ll make mistakes in your love affair very easily. Don’t forget that one day you can fill the limit even if that person loves you very much.
Loosing the Confidence
The biggest mistake in the relationship is to lose confidence. If your partner doesn’t trust you, it will hurt the relationship terribly and eventually the relationship will end.
Do not cause to play fool of your partner.Your partner may be closing her eyes out just because he loves you. But that doesn’t mean the affair is going well. You have to earn his respect as much as his love. You can break your affair without realizing it.